
(latest CVS devel version)

A few remarks about docbook mode:

- There are not enough newline (\n) in the generated sgml, that makes it
hard to read when needed (no new line after a </para> or even a <sectn>).

- Footnotes are not acknowledged correctly (no 'footnote' in the output

Unfortunately, I couldnt find out myseft about teh way to solve those
problems. Thanks for any help.


 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
| irc(undernet): Garp on #france25+ | 17, rue du Tonkin                |
| email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Apt. 9G, 3iem                    |
| http://garp.feelingsurfer.net/    | 69100 Villeurbanne               |
| Tel-home: +33 (0)4 78 89 76 47    | FRANCE                           |
| http://clag.lautre.net : Le site du Collectif Après-Gênes Lyonnais   |

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