Hi everybody!

I'm writing an article in the kluwer layout which is, of course, uncompatible 
with almost each and every latex package (thanks to Kluwer for this...)
As I need the 'oz.sty' package (for Object-Z notation) in figures, I 
thought of latexing separate files with this package, putting the 
output in .eps files and including these files in lyx.
But I have some trouble in the "putting the output in .eps files" step. I 
tried latexing and then dvips with the '-E' option, but it includes the whole 
page, so there are much too wide margins around the real figure...
Is there a way to get a narrower bounding box and how?
Thank you for your help,


PS: my problem gives me the following idea: what about including a "raw 
latex" external object? launch an editor for editing and convert to eps for 
including... this could be useful exactly in my case, when there are packages 

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