On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 12:46:31 -0600 (CST)
"Ben Luey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using lyx-cvs with the article class and I want to pin my footnotes
> down to the bottom of the page. Currently, if there is a space at the
> bottom of a page because I have a new section or graphic starting on the
> next page, the footnote begins right where the last bit of the text on
> the page ends leaving a black space after the footnote. Is there a way for
> force footnotes to start at (nearly) the same spot on all pages so if I
> have extra space on a page it comes between my text and the footnote?
> Thanks -- I love lyx,
> Ben
I was just going through my email (I've been a little slow of late) and saw that there 
were no replies to your message. I'm a newby, so maybe this isn't quite what you want, 
but I found the command \vfill while perusing the User's Guide. I put it right after 
my text (in TeX mode, of course) and it sucked my footnote down to the very bottom of 
the page. Hope that helps.

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