Dangerous Bug: RH 7.2 + LyX 1.1.6fix4 Assume I would like to find the word XY in the text. When I write XY into 'Find' box of Edit->Find and Replace (leaving the 'Replace' box empty), and, quite logically, press 'Enter', then it does not jump to the place where the word XY is found, but deletes all XYs from the text.. That is, the problem is that Pressing Enter means Replace All. It is very dangerous.
Best, Laszlo -- Laszlo E. Szabo Department of Theoretical Physics Department of History and Philosophy of Science Eotvos University, Budapest H-1518 Budapest, Pf. 32, Hungary Phone/Fax: (36-1)372-2924 Home: (36-1) 200-7318 Mobil/SMS: (36) 20-366-1172 http://hps.elte.hu/~leszabo