
I am using 1.1.6fix1 under KDE with SuSE Linux 7.1
If LyX documents get a little bit more complicated (some jpg pictures,
some tables) it happens frequently that LyX crashes and when dying takes
down the X Server and the whole KDE session.

Normally afterwards I cannot access the that lyx file any more, because
when I open that file with LyX the crash is repeated. (OK, I know a
workaround - I start an old KLyX and export to LaTeX...)

  - Is this phenomenon known?
  - what should I read or check?
  - what remedy is recommended?


PS: OK, I am new on this list... (but working with LyX -- an liking it -
    for some years)

 Konrad Blum / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Tel. +49-441-798-3212 Fax: -3990

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