
How about for the feature Lyx does not offer?  For example bold italic. 
 In the help, we see:

*bold italic*

By default you get always upright letters if you mark the charcaters and 
make them bold with ctrl-b. To get bold italic characters write in 


I am not sure how to write this kind of Preamble. If I put this line on 
the top of my
lyx document, it does not work at all. Any idea?


Herbert Voss wrote:

>On Tuesday, 5. March 2002 06:30, Richard Wang wrote:
>>Can anyone tell me how to get these Latex features, the \mathbf (larger
>>font) and equation number in Lyx?  Thanks!
>in mathmode ctrl-b to start bold and ctrl-b to toggle back. 
>alt-m-n for numbering (cursor inside the formula).

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