On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 01:19:16PM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote: > this bst file has to be in your ~/.TeX dir or any other one, which is > found by tex. don't forget to run texhash.
I've created ~/.TeX and put my .bst file (created with makebst.tex) in it. Then I've run `texthash ~/.TeX', which generated ~/.TeX/ls-R. Anyway, my .bst file is not found by bibtex (the bibliography is not generated at all). However, if I put it in the system dir /usr/share/texmf/bibtex/bst and run `texthash', it works. The fact is that now is updated /usr/share/texmf/ls-R. Is there a way to make latex see my personal ~/.TeX dir? -- Cheers, Davide Cavallari Increased knowledge will help you now. Have mate's phone bugged.