On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Hanxue Lee wrote:

>1. Through GNU Ghostscript (first option in menu)
>2. Through PDF latex (second option in menu)
>Which one produces a higher quality output?

In my opinion, pdflatex creates higher quality output,
but it is more difficult to use.

- if you use pdflatex, your images must be in PDF format.
  But LyX can't then show them.
- With pdflatex, you can use hyperlinks with package hyperref.
  I don't know if it works with usual LaTeX which goes
  to PostScript (I would guess not).
- With pdflatex you can set the document title, keywords etc.
  that'll show with Acroread (not with xpdf :( )

Also, some latex document that I have written don't work with
pdflatex, but only with latex. I don't know why, they should.

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