Le Mardi 22 Janvier 2002 12:23, vous avez écrit :
> Sorry it should have been said that it is rather enumerate than
> description, sorry for confusion!!!! Somy question relates to
> enumerationstyle!!

Here is the correct form, everything should be nested (eventually two times)

Placee sur un table a la maniere d'une boussole,
une horloge indique le nord 24 fois par jour.
C'est plus qu'il n'en faut !
        -- P. Geluck

Renaud Michel
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\layout Title

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The way of nesting things in Lyx
\layout Enumerate

Description starts with 1.
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

M a -> gave me this nest
\layout Itemize

\layout Itemize

always the same
\layout Enumerate

Unfortunately description starts again 1.
 :-( but should continue with 2.
 and so on)

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