I tried this, and changed the Margin line to be "Static" instead of
"Right_Address_Box".  It did in fact move the address to the left
within LyX, but the DVI rendering is still on the right.  Would I have
to change the .cls file that Matej was talking about in order to
change the output?


On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 09:00:18AM +0100, Ingar Pareliussen wrote:
> # My Address style
> Style My_Address
>   Margin                Right_Address_Box
>   LatexType             Command
>   LatexName             address
>   ParSkip               0.4
>   BottomSep             1.5
>   ParSep                1.5
>   Align                 Left
>   AlignPossible         Left
> End
> add ", Right, Block, Center" after AlignPossible:
> -> 
> "AlignPossible         Left, Right,Block,Center"

Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Let him choose out of my files, his projects to accomplish.
                -- Shakespeare, "Coriolanus"

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