>>Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:57:34 -0800 (PST)
>>From: Jamie Faunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: LyX users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: html -> latex
>>I'm mostly having great success in importing and exporting file formats to
>>and from LyX.  tth for instance creates beautiful html files. The wv
>>utilities do a great job if importing or converting word files and freeing
>>myself from ever having used such a thing.
>>But I'm having a problem importing html for some files I only have in this
>>format, or spreadsheet formats.
>>.xls -> latex OR html -> latex would solve my immediate problems.
>>I've got some utilities html2latex, another by that name (which I renamed
>>to html-latex for coexistence) and another called html2texi. None of them
>>Anyone know a good utility for importing html and/or spreadsheet files
>>into latex?

GChtml2latex seems to be working here.
As for speadsheet, a general converter should be built quite easily
using the perl dedicated module Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
(tp convert a spradsheet as a (long)table).


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