I am a newbee in TeX and Lyx but
I would create a new paragraph style that could pass paramameters to a
special latex command like this one:
the latex command works like that
\traduction {first language text}{traduction text}
but not like that
\traduction { {first language text}{traduction text} }
It is easy with LyX to get a paragraph with command style which gives a
command like
\traduction {  any text }
but if i define in layout file another command like this 
Style Traduction2
latexName " "
latextype command
i get the braces very well but with a "\" and a new paragraph so that
the text command \traduction {anytext} {anytext} became
\traduction { any text}
\ { any text}
and is not decoded by latex
I also tried environment or paragraph or list type in LyX style
latextype definition without any succes.
Who could give me some help ?

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