I've got a basic latex question with line breaks: I'm inserting figures in
latex since lyx-1.2 doesn't do minipage stuff (Thanks for the links
Herbert). I want to have the image on the left and on the right Centered
Large text, a couple line returns, then the caption that also has a few
line returns in it. I tried adding just "\\" for the line returns, but I
get errors ("there's no line here to end"). I've tried {\large \\} lines
with no luck (copied from a text export of a lyx doc). Is there special
formating stuff for inside a figure?



Here's my code:

\begin{figure}[!htb] \lyxline{} {\setlength\parindent{0pt}
\setlength\parindent{\LyXMinipageIndent} {\centering

\end{minipage} } \hfill{} {\setlength\parindent{0pt}


{\Large Resistance vs. Temperature Predictions\\ \\ \\}
**********************************************problem above*****

\caption{\label{cap:ResPredict}Curve (1) is Drude and Lorentz's
*********problem above*************
Curve (2) is from parabolic curve-fitting\\
*************************************problem above*****
Curve (3) is Lord Kelvin's prediction} \end{minipage} } \medskip



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