Another problem with LaTeX. I have a few chapters (Abstract, for example) that need to go into the table of contents but without the page numbering.
I tried \addtocontents{toc}{\noindent SOMENAME} which inserts SOMENAME into the TOC. However, it is intended, althought obviously lines in TOC should not be. How to remove the intendation? Whether I put \noindent or not, doesn't seem to have any effect. (also, it doesn't have a linebreak after, but I can fix that myself) I also tried \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline {section}{TESTING}{}} which works, but inserts the dots going to the empty number. Not good. (Hmm, maybe I could remove temporarily the dots renewing \@dotsep, as explained in tocloft docs... but it might not be the best solution) I'm using tocloft. Example: