I had written a latex file and tried to convert it using
pdflatex.  Pdflatex converted the filed to foo.pdf, and when I
opened it in xpdf, it looked fine.

However, when I tried to open it on a Macintosh (so I could print
it, since I don't have printer hooked up to my linux box yet), I
got an error message.  I was forced to go to my meeting without
the document.

When I got back to the meeting, I had the bright idea of
importing the file into Lyx, and then using its export=>PDF.  (I
*did* not use the option export=> PDF_latex.)  This worked.

However, I would like to be able to convert directly from the
terminal.  Can anyone tell me what filter Lyx uses?  And does
anyone know why my first attempt at using pdflatex did not work?




*Paul Tremblay         *

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