I'm trying to modify the revtex4 / aps stylesheets for my bibliography format (I'm using bibtex). I want every /cite to make a footnote that dispalys the author and the date.
I edited aps.rtx so I have: \bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,} and now the normal /cite command produces (inline): Author (year) Great, but I want to put that in a footnote. When I to Insert, Footnote and create any footnote (not necessarily a citation). I get (number) for my citations instead of what I had before of Author (year). The number of the footnote is after the last citation number, and the footnote appears as an endnote. If I don't have any footnotes, I get what I had before. Is there a simple way to using something that looks like revtex4/aps (general journal formatting) but the /cite{author} commend will make a footnote with Author and Year at the bottom of the page and a bibliography at the end of the document with all the reference information? Thanks, Ben