Le Jeudi 29 Novembre 2001 15:28, vous avez écrit : > Hi, > > Is there a way to automatically number questions like this: > > > [ paragraph ] > > Question 1: blah blah blah > > [ paragraph ] > > Question 2: yada yada yada > > and so forth.
you just need to create a counter \newcounter{question} \setcounter{question}{0} yoiu can make it show this way \arabic{question} and each time you increment it with \addtocounter{question}{1} you can automate this by creating a macro \newcommand{\myquestion}{Question \addtocounter{question}{0} \arabic{question}} don't forget to put the \newcounter{question} \setcounter{question}{0} in your preamble. -- Manier le béton à la tonne Renaud MICHEL