Le Mercredi 21 Novembre 2001 18:57, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,
> I want to make a document which consists of  the LaTeX-code 'enumerate'.
> Some 'sections' have figures in it (.eps). My problem is, that after
> insertion of a figure, the enumeration begins at '1' again.
> Like:
> 1. bla, bla
> 2. blablabla
>        <figure>
> 1. blabla
> Of course, this isn't what I want.
> Are there possibillities to avoid this.

You must change the depth of the paragraph the figure is in (see sample file)

PS : the wave in your signature is pretty cool :-)

Je n'ai rien contre les gens qui regardent leur montre quand je parle.
Mais je ne suis pas du tout d'accord quand ils commencent a la secouer
pour etre surs qu'elle marche encore.
        -- Lord Birkett

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\begin_float fig 
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\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9


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