Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:

Hello Jose,

thanks for quick response, at least things seem to be (almost) clear to me.

 >On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 11:53:32AM +0100, thomas schönhoff wrote:
 >  Ok, the name is misleading since hevea is a converter from latex to
 >html. And I have it configured under this category latex->html.
The same with me....:-)) (before my reconfiguration!)

 >  This is a know problem without a know fix. Your $TMP and $HOME are in
 >different partitions. And lyx isn't able to transfer it from the
 >temporary directory to your home directory.
 >  The only work around it is to set the temporary directory off.
That's what I immediately did in preferences dialog....

 >  Since the files aren't moved the temporary directories aren't empty,
 >so you get those errors.
I see, this are converted files and empty directories alike!
 >  If you are using docbook, docbook is exported to html via db2html or
You obviously prefer to run the commandline, I would appreciate to do
such operations frominside ofLyX (although I have to confess only guided
by my comfort, that is to avoid running commandline and GUI to process
the same file! ;-) )
Okay, running db2html from commandline works well. But after
implemtenting all your tips converting to html insideof LyX still
doesn't work!? I also tried to set my /home/tmp/ directory instead of
/tmp. But this didn't help either !!! ( I guess that LyX exclusively
uses the $tmp env-variable in converting activity, isn't it?)

 >  Hope this helps,
The grounds are more clear, again thanks a lot for sheding some light on
me :-)

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