
I used the standard book layout with a quite some "customisations" through the 
latex preamble to produce a "nicer" layout (mainly the part and chapter titles 
formatting, including the option to have a quote on the boring part pages). It 
was well received by my collegues. Fonts were set to pslatex (for nicer pdf 

I too had two files, one with the koma-script book layout just for the title 
page (added features like titlehead, subject, publishers). All the rest was in 
one large lyx file.

Attached my latex preamble with some sparse comments, check if all the 
packages are installed if you want to try it out (I use TeTeX with some 
extra's added). I am not a LateX expert and got most of the ideas by searching 
TeX usenet archives and Herbert Voss tips and tricks. This preambles works on 
any standard book layout-file (such as the LyX help files), provided that you 
use at least once a prettyref type of reference.

I also used some more raw LaTeX in the main document:

\frontmatter for the introductory part

\mainmatter  for the body

\renewcommand{\chaptername}{Appendix}  inside the appendix (defined with the 
LyX menus Layout->Toggle Appendix)

I also used \thispagestyle{empty} or \thispagestyle{plain} for some 
introductory material:
- a page with a dedication
- a page with the jury members (section*)
- the summary (chapter*)
- table of contents
- list of figures and list of tables (with forced pagebreaks).

All the rest was pretty standard LyX.


Ralph Boland wrote:

> I'm curois as to what lyx document layout you used for your thesis.
> My thesis is written in Lyx but I had to use latex for the
> introductory pages effectively creating two documents.
> I would like to avoid this in the final version of my thesis.
> Thanks
> Ralph Boland

%my own header formatting: part,chapter, adapted from an example that comes with the 
%add some stuff to decorate the part pages, to be defined before each part, see also 
the special format  for the part below
%theparttext can be set to inlude eg quotes on the part page, define it before the 
part where it has to appear
        \filleft \Huge Part \Huge\thepart}
         \normalsize \rm
%some extra symbols
%define my own headers, the lyx pagestyle is set to empty, this avoids clashes with 
titlesec used above
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\scriptsize \slshape \leftmark}
%some more space for the footskip
%inlude the bibliography, index into the TOC
%I like the layaout defaults of tocloft more for the TOC
\renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries PART }
%I use a lot of figures, therefore som new fraction sizes:
%dropped captitals:
%I like this more for captions:
%let text float around some small figures
%my prettyref definitions:
\newrefformat{eq}{Eq.\ \textup{(\ref{#1})}}
\newrefformat{lem}{Lemma\ \ref{#1}}
\newrefformat{thm}{Theorem\ \ref{#1}}
\newrefformat{cha}{Chapter\ \ref{#1}}
\newrefformat{sec}{Section\ \ref{#1}}
\newrefformat{tab}{Table\ \ref{#1}}
\newrefformat{fig}{Figure\ \ref{#1}}
%inline full citations, used occasionally in the appendices:
%to rotate some large tables into landscape format: use with \begin.. end{sideways)
%use compressed form with multiple citations
%prevent larger footnotes to span more than one page:

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