Le Mardi 13 Novembre 2001 18:38, vous avez écrit :
> How can i place two figures side to side and not one under the other in
> the same float?

You just need to put them on the same paragraph and have them small enough 
for the second not to go to the next line, you can also put an extensible 
space (insert->special caracter) between them to have one on the left and one 
on the right.
See sample (won't compile as there are no figures, but show the behavior).

Les petits pois sont rouges !

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_float fig 
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\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9



\begin_inset Figure size 100 100
flags 9


\layout Caption


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