On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Andre Poenitz wrote:

>The hackish solution would try to guess where to put the '*' and what
>constitutes an integral etc. This will probably most of the times but
>fail in the more convoluted cases. Another advantage: All "historic math"
>will be usable.

Well, I was thinking about putting "*" between all normal math characters--
and not putting it between characters, which are in math-text mode.
That is, consecutive italic letters would be considered to be all different
symbols, non-italic letters (as in M-m m in math mode) would constitute a
single symbol. This should be mostly correct for small pieces of math, and
it should be quite intuitive, especially when *the user is told about it*.

Of course it (the conversion script) wouldn't understand all LaTeX math,
and that isn't the (my) intention either.

| Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       [PGP public key
| Homepage: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/       available]
| Try also finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu

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