I get the same error for incollections plus a "Missing number treated as 
zero" error related to renewcommand\bibhowcited[]

Sorry if I bother with that but I'm new to LaTeX and LyX and I find the 
latter a great piece of software: I'm planning to use it as my default 
document proccessor and I'm getting to learn how to costumize it for my 
need (law related writings).
For the time being I'm using without problem the oxford.sty for bib 

Thank you very much though.
Andrea Rossato

Herbert Voss wrote:
> Andrea Rossato wrote:
>>Thank you for you kind answer.
>>Sure I had a look to the jurabib web pages, their mailing lists and
>>discussion forums but I didn't find any reference to this problem.
>>Today I posted a message to their forum (even though it seems to be not
>>very active).
>>Here is the messsage, if anyone has some idea to overcome the problem....
>>This is my problem: if I include a bib file with books and articles
>>entries I can run LyX without any problem. If in the bib file there are
>>inproceedings or incollection entries I get an error message. The very
>>same problem shows up if I export the document in LaTeX: I run latex and
>>bibtex smoothly. When I rerun latex to link the bibliography I get:
>>(prova_biblio.bbl [25] [26]
>>! Undefined control sequence.
>>\edfont {\editorsname
>>l.43 \jbPages{3--19}} {\bibhowcited}
> have a look at the jbtest.bib file  for anb incollection
> example and try a 
> \renewcommand\bibhowcited{]
> in preamble
> Herbert


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