Le Jeudi 27 Septembre 2001 14:14, vous avez écrit :
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Guenter Milde wrote:
> >So, what happens if you combine the last two:
> >     \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} and use Section (without *)?
> Thanks, but I guess this is just what I had already tried.
> LyX allows settings secnumdepth from the menus: it removes
> the number, but also the bookmark from PDF. No matter
> whether I use LyX GUI or the direct command from you.

I think I have a ittle work around  for you that can make the trick.
You need to use the \section (without *) to have your bookmark in pdf but if 
you set secnumdepth to 0 it is like if you used \section*, so lets keep those 
sections numbered but modify the number to show nothing, put this command at 
the begining of you document in LaTeX code or in your preamble
\thesection is the command responsible of writing the number so if I redefine 
it as an empty it won't write number anymore but as I didn't modified 
anuthing else I think your PDF bookmark should still work (didn't checked 

Ta mere fait des trous dans les cannelloni 


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