Thanks for the URL:

Trying it fast, with hiperref I had the same problem '%'. The solution was put spaces 
in the bibtex file in the places that I recommend to cut (after the '/' mysteryously 
Latex has cut after the '_' but it's good too ;-) )

Ok the solution for all the people who is interested:

1.- Write the Url with "misc" in the "How published" field or (if you don't want to 
use misc), use another style and put it in the Note field . You have to write 
something like this:

1.a.- If you use Pybliographer/ic, write it in native mode (The red light will appear 
indicating that something is wrong, but don't matter)
1.b.- You can write it with a text editor (it's better with Vim, as you know :)  )

2.- Put some spaces in the url (after the '/' or '_' or '.' or where you want) (if you 
don't do this, there will appear a '%')

3.- Put \usepackage{url} in the Latex preamble

4.- Include the cite normally in Lyx

Sorry for my english.

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