Le Mardi 25 Septembre 2001 16:43, vous avez écrit :
> It is included. Is there something wrong with the following?
> $ rpm -qilp ~ftp/pub/lyx/lyx-1.1.6fix3-1.i386.rpm |grep cv
> /usr/share/lyx/examples/cv.lyx
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts/cv.layout
> /usr/share/lyx/tex/cv.cls

I had the problem of not finding that cv layout from the document dialog, it 
was because I upgraded from a previous version and forgot to reconfigure my 
LyX, he probably forgot also.

 Créer une hiérarchie supplementaire pour remedier à un problème (?) de
 dispersion est d'une logique digne des Shadocks.
 * BT in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - La Cabale vote oui (les Shadocks aussi) 


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