I'm in the process of moving my Linux boxes from iso8859-1 to
iso8859-15. Next stop: Lyx. The story so far: I used to work with
'faked' iso8859-15 support under Lyx, e.g. I would map the currency
sign like this

        keycode  26 = e E currency

with xmodmap, set Lyx's screen fonts to *-iso8859-15 and add
\usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} to the preamble to get the euro sign on
screen and on paper. A hack, but it worked.

Now I would like to get proper support under X, so I mapped the
key like this:

         keycode  26 = e E EuroSign

But alas, this doesn't work for Lyx, neither for 1.1.5fix2 (which I'm
using by default) nor for 1.1.6fix3. I've set the encoding to
iso8859-15, the fonts are available and I see all characters specific
to iso8859-15 in my old Lyx files. Keyboard mapping is turned off;
since I set this on the X level and want Lyx to use the input straight
without any remapping.

With Lyx 1.1.5fix2 keyboard input just doesn't work for those six new
characters in iso8859-15, with 1.1.6fix3 it works only partly, e.g. oe
and OE work while the euro sign does not.

Is this a know issue or am I missing something?

Philipp Lehman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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