On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Abdelkader Lahmadi wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, you wrote:
> > How was 'doc-avance.tex' converted from word to tex ?
> i use 'File->import->word' and then the error appears

I think that lyx uses wvWare for conversion.

Converting word document in anything usable is a nightmare, wvWare does
the much it can, but can partially failed.

I would suggest you to do it manually:

1 - Convert to tex

$ wvLatex myWordDoc.doc myWordDoc.tex
Or better, if you want to have a good latex output (changing a bit the
apparence but better structured):
$ wvCleanLatex myWordDoc.doc

2 - Try to latex the result

$ latex myWordDoc.tex
If I understand well your problem, it will fail.
Correct the latex source (there will only be minor problems), if you'r not
a latex guru, ask any that float around : there are a lot at loria ;)

3- Then you have a good latex doc and you can certainly import it in Lyx

Hope it helps,


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