according to "Extended LyX Features" documentation I installed the
package "dropping" from CTAN and used it this way:
\usepackage{ae,aecompl} %in preamble
\usepackage{dropping} %in preamble
\dropping{3}{D} %in text
This works with latex, but gives the following errormsg with pdflatex:
! Undefined control sequence.
\bigdrop ...vance \wantedheight by \ht 1\findsize
{#3}{#4}\hangindent=\wd 0...
l.109 \dropping{3}{D}
Is there a way, to overcome this problem?
Then I tried the tex-version of the above Lyx-documentation:
\usepackage{ae,aecompl} %in preamble
\newfont{\tmpfont}{cmr17 scaled 2500}{\tmpfont D}
\vspace*{-8.4ex} \hangindent=3.3em \hangafter=-3
This compiles with both latex and pdftex, but produces (due to
ae-font?) in contrast to the Lyx-documentation a great mess.
Any help would be appreciated - thank you -
M. B. Schiekel: http://home.t-online.de/home/mb.schiekel/