Here's how you can figure it out. Make a simple document without the unwanted
doc and save it. Now put in the offending graphic and save the file as
something else. Verify that you cannot get rid of the graphic.
Now do a diff on the two files, and the difference is probably the problem.
Now you know what to get rid of using a text editor.
Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.
On Tuesday 11 September 2001 14:33, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I have the VERY same problem. I have been having to dump my current doc
> and starting over because of the apparent impossibility of removing
> empty/unwanted figures once they're created.
> On Thursday 13 September 2001 11:07 am, Ivan Storgaard Vogelius wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Im just about to go nuts -> didn't read the part on putting figures in
> > figure floats, and therefore just put a figure(with a ps-file) in the
> > document.
> > I can't get that figure removed - how do I do that (If I take out the
> > file it writes a box with "empty figure..").
> > How do I get rid of it??
> > Thanks
> > Ivan