On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> "Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
> > LyX returned:
> > "
> > LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
> > \begin {document}
> > 
> > Try typing <return> to proceed.
> > If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.
> > "
> > 
> > which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.
> send a very short lyx example-file which shows the behaviour
> Herbert

Now, that required a little more work then I thought. I couldn't reproduce
that behaviour with a smaller file so I had to fiddle a little
(long) while to figure what was happening. Here's my 'discoveries' and
strangeness that I found.

I included a bunch of biblio files between each other included to see what
was going on. From the top to a certain point, they were all changed to
'references' (great) but from that point down (like, where I wanted the
file to be included), they were still at Bibliography. So, something was
happening. The file included at that particular point was set to
language=american which seem to have stopped lyx to understand the
\AtBeginDocument thingy.

I changed that file language to standard, verified that all other included
files were actually correctly to standard (as well as the main file) and
they were correct. So, I tried to "view ps" and LyX returned a whole bunch
of errors, all being "you haven't defined the language
\select@language{american}" and the same but for language{english}. But
there is NO files that uses other languages, they're all set to
standarrd. Now, setting the main file language to american, for example,
works fine (References is working) but if it's 'standard', then I get all
the error messages.

So, is there something strange happening here. I thought that the setting
of the main file were having precedence over the settings of the included

Also, another thing that I noticed and do not understand about
LyX. Somehow, I introduced in my main file LyX window a line that goes
across between two included file and that continue downward. I can select
it and delete it but I'm not sure what it's doing.


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