On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:44:03PM +0000, Marco Allione wrote:
> I have a problem! I am a new latex utilizer and I've found some problems in
> inserting figures in my latex document.
> How can I made to imsert a wmf image in my document?
> Can I have some help in such a problem please? Does anybody can tell me
> where I could find some complete guide on the use of graphic files of
> extension .wmf, .bmp or .jpg in the Net?
> Tank you for your help. Hello.
> Marco.
For bitmap image (bmp, png, gif etc) use
convert file.gif eps2:file.eps
For wmf, use
wmftoeps file.wmf file.eps
The wmftoeps program is from libwmf (http://www.wvware.com)