Hello, after searching in mail-archive.com and trying Herbert Voss' recommandations (deutsch instead of German option in configurations dialog) my spellchecker still isn't working. Everytime I got the error message: Ispell process died for some reason. "One" possible reason could be that you don't have a dictionary file for the language of this document installed: Check usr/lib/ispell or set another dictionary in the spellchekcer options menu. This is what I did: 1. fetching packages from CTAN, German.zip, and both hyphenation files (ngeran, german). Unfortunately I didn't find to much information where to place this files in the accompaigning docs. :-[ 2. In ~/Lyxrc I have aspell set for my spellchecker (aspell 0.32.1 alpha) 3. Reconfigure and all the like (texhash) Ther at least some questions left: 1. Are dictionary files ending up with ".hash "? 2. If, does this mean some files have to be copied to /usr/lib/aspell (usr/lib/ispell deosn't exist) ? 3. I would be pleased if someone could tell me what files do have to be placed in /usr/lib/aspell? 4. Is there a problem that Lyx does not recognise the aspell directory and insiting ispell to be installed in every case? So I end up with lots of questions, but no more ideas how to manage my spellchecking problem. So every hint is appreciated :-\ Thanks to all Thomas