On Thursday 30 August 2001 03:58, you wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2001 12:20:29 -0400 wrote Steve Litt 
> > In the final product it has a line above the word WARNING and below the
> > last word of the warning text. I couldn't figure out how to do the lines
> > in LyX but that's not a big issue anyway.
> >
> > The only bad part is it's ragged right in the finished product -- but
> > that's not that terrible either.
> Just leave out the  \flushleft in your definition.

Trouble with leaving out \flushleft is the entire warning becomes centered 
like the label. What I really need is the equivalent of \noraggedright.

The only reason I didn't use a quote environment is I was unable to adjust 
the margins with any style but list. Sounds strange, but my 
\setlength{\leftmargin}{\scratchLength} and 
\setlength{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin} wouldn't work in anything but list. I 
just tried it on your code using the quote environment, and once again I 
couldn't control the margins with \setlength{\leftmargin} et. al. Also, 
unless I inserted the \flushleft the whole thing was centered, and when I 
inserted \flushleft the right became ragged.

The plot thickens :-)

I really want to thank you for all this help. Because of all the help from 
you and the others, I was able to construct Story, Tip, Warning, BigCallout 
(with no title). They aren't perfect yet but they're enough that yesterday I 
was able to write the first few pages of my book.


> But why dont't you use the "ready made" quote environment?
> Style Warning
>   LatexType             Environment
>   LatexName             warning_l
>   LabelType             Centered_Top_Environment
>   LabelString           "-------------- WARNING --------------"
>   # (mimick the line above)
>   Align                        block
>   AlignPossible         block, left, right, center
>   LeftMargin            "MMMMM"
>   RightMargin           "MMMMM"
>   ParSkip               0.7
>   ParSep                0.7
>   TopSep                0.7
>   BottomSep             0.7
>   Preamble
>         \newenvironment{warning_l}
>             {
>                \begin{quote}
>                \hrulefill\\
>                \centering WARNING\\[0.5cm]
>             }
>             {
>                \\
>                \hrulefill\\
>                \end{quote}
>             }
>   EndPreamble
> End
> LyX offers the possibility to insert lines above and below a paragraph from
> the Layout|Paragraph menu. These lines also show up in the GUI. But you
> have to ask the lyx-gurus, whether this functionality can be included in a
> style definition - the doc doesnot tell anything about it, so I suppose it
> is not. (-> feature request).
> Guenter
> --

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