Please all you developers of LyX (regardless of how it is pronounced)
don't be discouraged by the complaint replied to below.
I regard LyX as the best piece of software ever!
For me it has changed writing documentation (the task I used to hate
most) into a joy. I can produce high quality, superb looking books
at lightning speed with no thought for anything but the content.
It works the way I believe document processors should - you simply
write (marking up the logical divisions of the text appropriately)
and the software does all the rest.
No fussing over fonts, sizes, layout, hyphenation. Production of Tables
of contents, automatic (re)numbering of sections etc. all come with no
effort by the author.
Another bonus is its superb output of which I feel (quite unjustifiably)
proud. This, of course, is the work of LaTeX rather than LyX.
But LyX has eliminated the need for learning LaTeX, the need to have
good aesthetic judgment, and the need for any typsetting skill or
Please! Please keep up the good work.
Most of us know that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
So glitches in progress towards ultimate mirvana are inevitable.
As a professional software developer, I appreciate the contribution
you have made to my quality of life.
Best wishes
John O'Gorman
Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 09:57:08AM +0200, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> > > SuSE 7.2 does not have ksendfax, nor does RedHat 7.*.
> > >
> > > Why have you done the above ??
> > >
> > > It worked perfectly !!
> > >
> > > Now, I have to loose 3 hours of my work to find sources, build,
> > > install , tweak etc ... I do not have those 3 hours.
> SuSE 7.1 rpms are on
> om/suse/i386/7.1/suse/kpa1/ksendfax.rpm
> It took me less than a minute to locate, download, su, and install.
> Haven't checked whether it works since I do not have a fax machine.
> > > I work 12 hours per day already.
> And that means what?
> Andre'
> --
> André Pönitz ............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]