>>Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 00:03:58 +0300
>>From: Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: francesco cattaneo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LyX users
>>Subject: Re: very long formulas...
>>> AMS package provide several commands to do so.
>>> As usual,
>>> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/mathstuff/equations/node10.html
>>> to understand how it works...
>>But this requires using ERT.
>>Lyx supports the eqnarray environment, so it should be used for breaking
>>the equation (to use it press ctrl+enter in a display formula).
>>PS: 1.2.0 also supports the AMS align environment.
eqnarray is OK for one column layout, but two column layout required
for papers often requires split or multline to get more flexibility.