On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 05:17:23PM -0300, Rodrigo Alexandre Ribeiro Canellas wrote:
> hi!
> Very new user posting first question!
Welcome. :-)
> How can I change a Environment?
> For example:
> - I want to change the font type used in Standard Environment
Is there any special reason for that? And only for Standard and not any
other layout?
> - After pressing RETURN at the end of a Standard, I do not want the
Santard below to be idented
That is a standard latex feature, in the LyX documents are presented
several ways to disable it.
> - I do not want the font of the Paragraph to be bold
I think that use misusing the Paragraph layout. Paragraph is next section
level that follows to Subsubsection, if you change the
Layout->Extra->Section number depth you will see it displayed in the Table
of Contents.
Are you sure that is Paragraph what you need?
> - After pressing RETURN at the end of a Paragraph, I want the next to be a
>Paragraph, not a Standard
To have the same layout as above you should do Alt+Enter.
> Is it possible? How?
> Thanks!
De nada. :-)
> --
> Rodrigo Canellas
> www.EverSystems.com.br
> --