On 24-Aug-2001 Saalfeld, Christoph wrote:

> Yes. I have several tables and the effect also happens when you try to add a
> line to a table. For some reason this affects only some tables. Sometimes
> LyX crashes immediately, but sometimes it chrashes while you try to save
> your changes after you have added a column or a row to a table, regardless
> of what you have done after that.
> Of course the emergency save also chrashes and now you have either a backup
> of your LyX document or ....
> Anyway, the table GUI is the most faulty part of LyX I've ever seen.

You're right but it is a lot enhanced in the upcoming 1.2.0 release and
I needed to realeas it that way otherwise I would not have got so much
feedback ;)


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Real computer scientists don't comment their code.  The identifiers are
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