On 23-Aug-2001 Thorsten Grohte wrote:
Hello Thorsten!

> I am using Lyx-1.1.6fix 3 and have the Problem that it is not possible
> to insert a c-return (linebreak) in lyx in a longtable oder another
> table. The result is, that the dimension of my table is to large and
> the table size is larger than the text size in Lyx (not in Latex of
> course, it's a Lyx problem)

Seems strange to me but ok you could have a landscape paper and then
it's possible. Anyway this will not be possible anymore. The tabulars
now scroll to the left if the text is too large to fit on the screen
so you can edit it all the time (I admit there may be bugs in this code
in 1.1.6fix3, but this should work correctly in 1.2.0 when it comes out!).

Ctrl-Return now is ONLY permited in columns with fixed lenght (as it is in


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Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.
                -- Plotinus

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