Le Lundi 20 Août 2001 03:35, vous avez écrit : > Thanks to all your help, I'm able to make layout files in my ~/.lyx/layouts > directory to change just about anything I want in the Lyx environment. But > of course layout file changes don't change the finished product (.dvi, .ps, > .pdf etc). > > My understanding is I need to make a .sty file to change what I want in the > finished product. First question: What would be in a myclass.sty file that > does nothing but change the font size of the Author environment to Giant, > otherwise keeping the Report text class as-is? No, you don't need to create a .sty file to have a layout file that will do something different, you can use the Preamble ... EndPreamble alone or within a style statement and LyX will automatically include those lines in the LaTeX preamble. Have a look at the formulaire.layout I did for my personal use wich is a modification of the article layout. -- L'intelligence est la chose la mieux repartie dans le monde, tout le monde pense en avoir assez, vu que c'est avec la sienne qu'il en juge. Coluche Renaud MICHEL
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{formulaire} # Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code # Author : Renaud MICHEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers. # General textclass parameters Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth 3 TocDepth 3 MaxCounter Counter_Section ProvidesMakeidx 1 ClassOptions PageStyle "" Other "fleqn" End #definitions dans le preambule Preamble \usepackage{amsfonts,amssymb} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{slashbox} \usepackage{multirow} \pagestyle{fancy} \usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \newcommand{\nompartie}{} \newcommand{\nomsection}{} \newcommand{\theparthead}{\thepart \hspace{0.5em} \textsc{\nompartie}} \newcommand{\thesectionhead}{\thesection \hspace{0.5em} \nomsection} \@addtoreset{section}{part} \let\tableofcontentsancien=\tableofcontents \renewcommand{\tableofcontents}{\pagebreak {\renewcommand{\nompartie}{\textsc{Table des matires}} % \markboth{}{} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Roman{page}} \tableofcontentsancien \pagebreak} % \setcounter{page}{1}} \let\printindexancien=\printindex \renewcommand{\printindex}{\pagebreak \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Index} % {\renewcommand{\theparthead}{\textsc{Index}} \markboth{}{} \printindexancien \pagebreak}} %on (re)definit les commandes pour les fonctions mathematiques \def\sin{\mbox{sin}} \def\cos{\mbox{cos}} \def\tan{\mbox{tg}} \def\cot{\mbox{cotg}} \def\arcsin{\mbox{arcsin}} \def\arccos{\mbox{arccos}} \def\arctan{\mbox{arctg}} \def\arccot{\mbox{arccotg}} \def\sinh{\mbox{sh}} \def\cosh{\mbox{ch}} \def\tanh{\mbox{th}} \def\coth{\mbox{coth}} \def\arcsinh{\mbox{arcsh}} \def\arccosh{\mbox{arcch}} \def\arctanh{\mbox{arcth}} \def\arccoth{\mbox{arccoth}} \def\arg{\mbox{arg}} %pour les ensembles mathematiques \def\N{\mbox{I\hspace{-0.15em}N}} \def\Z{\mbox{Z\hspace{-0.3em}Z}} \def\R{\mbox{I\hspace{-0.15em}R}} \def\C{\mbox{\hspace{0.22em}\textsf{I}\hspace{-0.47em}C}} \def\Q{\mbox{\hspace{0.22em}\textsf{I}\hspace{-0.47em}Q}} %le 1 de la matrice identite \def\un{\ensuremath{1\hspace{-0.22em}\mathrm{l}}} %modifier l'espacement des equations hors-texte \setlength{\mathindent}{5mm} EndPreamble # This is just to show how to declare the default font. # The defaults are exactly those shown here. DefaultFont Family Roman Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color None EndFont # Standard style definition Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdlists.inc Input stdsections.inc ################################################################ # Part style definition Style Part TopSep 2 BottomSep 1.5 Align Left Alignpossible Left Font Size Larger EndFont Preamble \let\partancien=\part \renewcommand{\part}[1]{\pagebreak \renewcommand{\nompartie}{#1} \partancien{#1}} EndPreamble End # There are no chapters in an article. NoStyle Chapter # Section style definition #Style Section # Preamble # \let\sectionancien=\section # \renewcommand{\section}[2][]{\renewcommand{\nomsection}{#2} \sectionancien{#2}} # EndPreamble #End # Paragraph style definition Style Paragraph Preamble \renewcommand{\theparagraph}{\Alph{paragraph}} EndPreamble End # Subparagraph style definition Style Subparagraph Preamble \renewcommand{\thesubparagraph}{\alph{subparagraph}} EndPreamble End ################################################################ Input stdstarsections.inc ################################################################ # Part* style definition Style Part* TopSep 2 BottomSep 1.5 Align Left Alignpossible Left Font Size Larger EndFont Preamble \let\partancien*=\part* \renewcommand{\part*}[1]{\pagebreak \renewcommand{\nompartie}{#1} \partancien*{#1}} EndPreamble End # There are no chapters in an article. NoStyle Chapter* ################################################################ Input stdstruct.inc Input stdtitle.inc Input lyxmacros.inc ################################################################ NoStyle Address NoStyle Right_Address ################################################################ Input stdlayouts.inc Input obsolete.inc