Am Montag, 13. August 2001 15:30 schrieben Sie:
> Gerhard Schuck wrote:
> > > lyx' cd-box-layout is based on the article class, therefore
> > > it should be no problem to load it from layout-Document->class->CD Box
> > > Cover
> >
> > Of course I tried that, but didn't find it there. I have no idea, why
> > it's not on my system. I don't miss anything else.
> here it comes. put it in ~/.lyx/layouts and run
> reconfigure
Thank you for the file. Unfortunately there ist still a problem.
I copied cd-box.layout to ~/.lyx/layouts, did reconfigure and the new class
appeared correctly in "layout-Document / class". But I can't open it. When I
click on "CD-box cover" I get the message (in German): "Fehler bei der
Anpassung. Es kann nicht in die gewählte Dokumentklasse gewechselt werden.
Bleibe bei der bisherigen Dokumentklasse".
The file looks ok. I copied it from the text body of your message in KMail to
KEdit and saved it as "cd-box.layout". It starts with "#% Do not delete the
line below...." and ends correctly with "End". The size is 6749 bytes.
Gerhard Schuck