hi all...recently i was trying to make a table in lyx (ver. 1.1.6fix3,
running on gnu/redhat linux,6.2).
first i insert a table float, then just after the 'Table:' i type a
caption and then insert the table from the menu. when i try to view the
dvi file it gives me two errors.
1. paragraph ended before \@caption was complete...forgotten }
2. argument of \@caption has an extra } 
   looks like the first error is, lyx can't find the closing bracket in
\caption and then the second error is that it finds it elsewhere and
thinks that's it's an extra bracket. i exported the file as a latex file
and manually corrected the brackets and then reimported it back and then
the whole thing compiles properly. is there a little bug here?? 
        Even after this the table is not centered becos of the missing
\centering before \begin{tabular}. again this i found out by exporting the
User's manual as a tex document, becos in the User's Guide (section
4.4.5), the table's are nicely centered. 
        it would be nice if this can be fixed up (or may be there's some
other way of doing it, in which case i wud like to know what is the
correct way)..

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