On 03-Aug-2001 Harald Lichtenstein wrote:
> I would like to add a footnote to a text, which is inside a table,
> but produced errors only.
> I couldn't find anything in the docs how to do this.
> Is it not possible? If yes, what do I have to do?
In the new development version (upcoming 1.2.0) this is possible (however
we have to restict it a bit). It is not possible to put normal footnotes
in tabulars, try to check the longtable option on and then footnotes typed
as \footnote{My footnote} should work (in LaTex).
Have also a look at the TabularExamples in your examples folder!
Dr. Jürgen Vigna E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
- Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan