Andi wrote:
>> Every time I open an existing lyx-file there is a "16" showing up
>> in the first line, that I didnīt entered. Any idea whatīs the
>> reason for this and how to prevent this?


JMarc wrote:
> Andi, you should upgrade to the latest version (1.1.6fix2). Note that
> if you are a heavy table user, 1.1.5fix2 is probably a safer choice
> for now.

If you donīt like to upgrade (maybe you have an incredibly stable configuration ;-) here's a little workaround:
Put a % in ERT in that line in which the 16 appears (in most cases it's the first line), just in front of the first 16.
This won't stop getting a 16 each time you open the file but it avoids disturbing your printed text,
and you'll never have to care and delete it/them again.

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