
I solved my problem with the screen fonts by choosing ttf fonts, as
suggested to me by Stephen Carville. Thanks !

I now have problems with the math screen fonts : I do not have any symbol
font apart from ttf-symbol. I know this is weird, but it's a fact. Now, if
I write some equation with the symbol Pi for example (using \pi in math
mode), I get the letter "p" instead of the symbol pi, and an error telling
me that Symbol, blabla, is matched by fixed.

So my question is : how can I tell Lyx to use ttf-symbol for the math
mode ?

Also, when I open the math panel, I get bizarre characters on the
lower-left 6 buttons. I guess it's the same problem, not having symbol
fonts apart from ttf. So again, I should set ttf-symbol for screen math


Yann Le Du

  Yann Le Du                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Theoretical Physics             Web   : http://cdfinfo.in2p3.fr/~ledu/
  1, Keble Road
  University of Oxford
  Oxford, OX1 3NP                 Phone : (44) (0)1865 273 989
  United Kingdom                  Fax   : (44) (0)1865 273 947

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