On 04-Jul-2001 Saalfeld, Christoph wrote:
> I'm trying to change the size of text in a table. To do so, I have to select
> the text of each cell and then to change the font size. Is there a way to
> change the size of fonts for the whole table ?
> I tried to do so (selected complete table, changed character settings), but
> nothing happens.
This is a missing feature in 1.1.6xxx versions, but it is fixed in CVS and
the upcoming 1.2.0 version of LyX.
Sorry for not being able to help you right now,
Dr. Jürgen Vigna E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen Web: http://www.sad.it/~jug
No extensible language will be universal.
-- T. Cheatham