On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 12:29:49PM -0500, A. Gunes Koru wrote:
> Hi,
> My problem is about the usage of IEEEtran.cls in lyx. At the beginning I
> couldn't make lyx to see my IEEEtran.cls . Now it is OK but when i try to
> see the dvi output it gives me errors. Herbert suggested
> go to
> > edit->preferences->languages->language
> > and delete the in package the entry \usepackage{babel}
> I did it.
> I removed the \usepackage{babel}. This time I got 4 error messages instead
> of 10. However my assumption was that this template comes with the
> package. So it should have compiled (I mean should produce dvi file)
> without any error. Anyone who has any idea about that?
What are the errors?
Also, what is the version of your IEEEtran.cls file ?
The latest version is from 15/05/1996
(look for the line \typeout{Rev. <15-May.-1996> !PN})
There is also an unofficial newer version at CTAN.