On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 04:26:12PM +1000, Allan Rae wrote:
> This email originally went only to lyx-devel but I figure I better make
> sure it gets to lyx-users also...
> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
> > This may sound silly, but I miss the embossed LyX logo in the
> > background... can you bring it back? (-8
> Well the short answer is yes very easily -- two lines of CSS or there
> abouts -- in fact it could be a configurable option. But why?
Er, because the logo looks nice?
Really, I love the look of the logo, and I very dislike the mascot, it
looks ugly. So just having the logo replace the mascot would make me
happy... (-8
Kathryn Andersen
Doctor: You've got enough weapons here to fight a war.
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: That's the general idea.
(Doctor Who: Battlefield)
_--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/ \ | <http://www.katspace.com>
\_.--.*/ |
v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha! | -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe