On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 07:31:47PM -0500, number9 wrote:
> I am using the following to number my figures in my thesis I found
> this on the mailing list archive and it works nicely...
> in TEX:    \begin{equation}\begin{array}{c}\mbox{
> then the figure is inserted here
> in TEX:     }\end{array}
> then the label is inserted
> in TEX:     \end{equation}
> The problem I have is that next to the figure and in cross references it
> just has the number. e.g. 2.3
> I would like it to print out (2.3) as it does for equations and equation
> cross references.

I don't understand your problem. The figure numbering should behave exactly
as equation numbering: latex should generate (2.3) next to the figure/equation,
and 2.3 in the cross reference.
If this is not the case, can you send a short example file ?

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