On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 08:47:24AM -0700, Michelle Dukich wrote:
>  Greetings:
> I am trying to add a hyperlink into my text to allow
> users viewing the document online to click and be
> linked to a webpage.  The INSERT->URL option is not
> exactly what I need.  This only puts something in the
> format of a webpage addy but does not make a clickable
> link.  
Two questions:
- are you using the hyperref package?  (Because you should be)
- What is the final format you are trying to "click" from?  I know
  the URL stuff works from a PDF file produced by pdflatex, but I can't
  remember if it always works with a PDF file produced via
  dvi -> ps -> PDF

Kathryn Andersen
"I shouldn't drink so much wine.  I'll be seeing pink asteroids next."
                -- Vila Restal          (Blake's 7: Rescue [D1])
 _--_|\     | Kathryn Andersen          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/      \    |   <http://www.katspace.com>
\_.--.*/    |   
      v     | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
------------| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

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